“Cultivating Innovation through the Integration ofPlant Science and Proteomics” MAY 15 TO 18, 2025 Banff…
InPPO-Lite: A New and Regular Event Hosted by The Young Proteomics Group.
The Young InPPO Group recently hosted its first “InPPO-Lite” on-line Tutorial Seminar. The format of…
Call for your participation – First INPPO-Lite Meeting
This is the first call for your participation in the First INPPO-Lite Meeting, to be…

5th InPPO-Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece, May 22-25, 2023
ThessInPPO2023, the 5th Conference of the International Plant Proteomics Organization (INPPO), was held in Thessaloniki,…
Call for Papers
Journal of Plant Physiology, Special Issue “Recent Advances of Proteomics in Plants” of the InPPO…

Passing of Dominique Job
In the name of InPPO, it is with greatest sadness that we inform about the…

We were finally able to host “INPPO2020”, the Fourth Conference of the International Plant Proteomics…

3rd INPPO Conference 2018 in Padova – Pictures
The 3rd INPPO World Congress 2018. INPPO2018 took place in Padova, Italy, in north-east Italy,…

2nd INPPO Conference 2016 in Bratislava, Slovakia
The2nd INPPO World Congress 2016. INPPO2016 took place in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. Bratislava…

1st INPPO Conference 2014 in Hamburg
In total, 143 participants from 38 countries and six continents attended to INPPO2014, the first…